. . . . . . . . "The anaeeThes thesaurus aims at providing a controlled vocabulary for the semantic description of the study of continental ecosystems and their biodiversity. The thesaurus consists of concepts handled in different main thematic areas: abiotic (e.g. atmosphere, climate, hydrosphere, litosphere); biotic (e.g. animals, plants, micro-organisms, biodiversity); chemical compounds; experimentation and observation (e.g. instrument, method, protocol, measurement, quality, infrastructure); ecosystems (e.g. type, structure, functioning); modeling (e.g. formalism, platform, type of model, computer language); disciplines (disciplinary and scientific fields); and unit (units of the international system, inherited from the OBOE-standards ontology)." . "anaeeThes | AnaEE Thesaurus" . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCtpcftn7kbe6toJbOTDQaCcCssEFSWqt6J4rZ02w+TfY7/eIOgJZYOlpL6G3AzO2RNmVYWRPSlMiykaFuaRuBitvk1GKfGdprfZbvXwmeOxpqCTRBQX9EnFyQyd+Ra/ajfw/UsG8skeu1xnUEpnQbpgbQYc/fvhJNN0UwEc77mOwIDAQAB" . "o8+8OKpwlx18dRgH35t0g12mKBeQLT4r4XPw+84eSQJNE02HralT3VpowyvgGmtveCdniQBjtg2mF2vfnyUYRH2DxZbp9pmDlpjPgYz8ic7P00hbVuPRkNWWMgw9aFirgMD9/oUaqr5UqQyCcQLBx3cE8XzjEk/qrf1h0P/Syvg=" . . "2023-01-08T16:42:01.131+01:00"^^ . . . . . . . .