. . . . "is an index that appends" . "is an index that includes as element" . "is an index that includes as sub-index" . . "nanopublication URI of the index to be appended" . "Such a nanopublication defines a collection of other nanopublications by directly or indirectly linking to them. Such collections can have the size from just a few to up to millions and more." . . "Defining a nanopublication index" . . . . . "Meta" . . "nanopublication URI of the element to be included" . . . . . "1" . . . . . . "2" . . . . . . "3" . . "nanopublication URI of the index to be included as sub-index" . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCwUtewGCpT5vIfXYE1bmf/Uqu1ojqnWdYxv+ySO80ul8Gu7m8KoyPAwuvaPj0lvPtHrg000qMmkxzKhYknEjq8v7EerxZNYp5B3/3+5ZpuWOYAs78UnQVjbHSmDdmryr4D4VvvNIiUmd0yxci47dTFUj4DvfHnGd6hVe5+goqdcwIDAQAB" . "AW7kNeXlaMq+KIibYEfxLuSRn2VkI35r46Y8hRo3neFEvuhoKNPGNNlH49EPBsWsEODrdRZGSkWOoqTN+ujZ9cma374bY3I6YyI4Sr9EuIIEPnnHOhMMOmMAL+sA3sk/xIQC+QYKsHaLNr+6AsBOm3rkAbXMI+mjiUmlgwT968o=" . . "2023-08-21T16:27:12.303+02:00"^^ . . . . "Template: Defining a nanopublication index" . . . . . .