. . . . . "application of Linkflows reviewing model" . . "A class that covers the application of the Linkflows reviewing model, a structured, fine-grained reviewing model based on review comments." . . . . "process - set of interrelated tasks that transform inputs into outputs, where the tasks may be carried out by people, nature or machines using various resources" . "scientific model - scientific representation aiming to understand, define, quantify, visualize, or simulate the world" . "peer review - evaluation of work by one or more people of similar competence to the producers of the work" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCKOqs2T28k/MbmArHUMypi5MUoJX6KdkVn6GOXjxhjXDpwW+/O1LXyHoG7ItOw+g03P7UN4+Diq3tQySZ4cjzoY+o4EJ5ducqFCTI7gjhNd3HLGM3icsypOT8zxuPHNSbPI42Fc5lDVr7FzcH5bb70vL+0uBgpfxBI5lXKkfcXTwIDAQAB" . "Yot5/yZ7LQ8gkNZ3EX4JI+QVSZDxB6RsA4ZU6tMpTe24ThMcciVQD4q5J/giiDjeQIY4bxQiJY88Z81/PJ6g9ZTWyvecCpmQHp4GeR2IT+w5E93mB+zjsxWarHcbyoTn1AaKHvr5ttoYdp7/cOAXaT8doJlrwTWEuuFsCdM6a8Q=" . . "2024-01-25T17:12:14.866Z"^^ . . . . "Class: application of Linkflows reviewing model" . . . . .