@prefix this: . @prefix sub: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix sio: . @prefix lld: . @prefix miriam-gene: . @prefix miriam-pubmed: . @prefix eco: . @prefix wi: . @prefix prov: . @prefix pav: . @prefix prv: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix np: . @prefix dgn-gda: . @prefix dgn-void: . sub:head { this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion; np:hasProvenance sub:provenance; np:hasPublicationInfo sub:publicationInfo; a np:Nanopublication . } sub:assertion { dgn-gda:DGN3df1bf0af69fcb4c4de244ea09b1546d sio:SIO_000628 miriam-gene:9733, lld:C1261473; a sio:SIO_001122 . } sub:provenance { sub:assertion dcterms:description "[Tumors and matched normal thyroid samples were tested for RAS, for the v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene (BRAF) substitution of valine (V) for glutamate (E) at codon 600 (the V600E mutation), for phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), for catalytic PI3k p110 subunit alpha (PIK3CA), for AKT, and for the presence of rearranged during transfection (ret) proto-oncogene/PTC (RET-PTC) and paired box-8 (PAX8)/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) fusion protein (PAX8-PPARgamma) rearrangements by direct sequencing and reverse transcriptase-polymerases chain reaction analyses, respectively.]. Sentence from MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine."@en; wi:evidence dgn-void:source_evidence_literature; sio:SIO_000772 miriam-pubmed:20564403; prov:wasDerivedFrom dgn-void:BEFREE; prov:wasGeneratedBy eco:ECO_0000203 . dgn-void:BEFREE pav:importedOn "2017-02-19"^^xsd:date . dgn-void:source_evidence_literature a eco:ECO_0000212; rdfs:comment "Gene-disease associations inferred from text-mining the literature."@en; rdfs:label "DisGeNET evidence - LITERATURE"@en . } sub:publicationInfo { this: dcterms:created "2017-10-17T13:17:48+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime; dcterms:rights ; dcterms:rightsHolder dgn-void:IBIGroup; dcterms:subject sio:SIO_000983; prv:usedData dgn-void:disgenetv3.0rdf; pav:authoredBy , , , , ; pav:createdBy ; pav:version "v5.0.0.0" . dgn-void:disgenetv3.0rdf pav:version "v5.0.0" . }