. . . . . . "Argo is an international program that collects information from inside the ocean using a fleet of robotic instruments that drift with the ocean currents and move up and down between the surface and a mid-water level; the Argo observation data and metadata are published on http://doi.org/10.17882/42182" . "Argo GDAC | Argo GDAC FAIR implementation community" . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCtpcftn7kbe6toJbOTDQaCcCssEFSWqt6J4rZ02w+TfY7/eIOgJZYOlpL6G3AzO2RNmVYWRPSlMiykaFuaRuBitvk1GKfGdprfZbvXwmeOxpqCTRBQX9EnFyQyd+Ra/ajfw/UsG8skeu1xnUEpnQbpgbQYc/fvhJNN0UwEc77mOwIDAQAB" . "cua4fv5iebwbQLXgSRUBoF1tR8j/BmP1ImwKREOhE/eHf1J0WUJ8U9ulDlo4kX37xCoPbANW6kXWr2OFKupLPNJAFZyW9eU5iYYMoPlUGkw/OB1W3vxS/2TTh2UhmN21SSQzpO4EgQy2vDk7uzCo1WcZtxFNPXMHIOFW2oG0Eno=" . . "2022-07-20T15:50:12.075+02:00"^^ . . . . . . . .