@prefix dc1: . @prefix this: . @prefix sub: . @prefix schema: . @prefix np: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix nt: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix orcid: . @prefix bl: . @prefix prov: . @prefix npx: . sub:Head { this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion; np:hasProvenance sub:provenance; np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubinfo; a np:Nanopublication . } sub:assertion { bl:category bl:Disease . sub:association rdf:object ; rdf:predicate bl:treats; rdf:subject ; a rdf:Statement; rdfs:label "levothyroxine sodium for injection is indicated for the treatment of myxedema coma important limitations of use the relative bioavailability between levothyroxine sodium for injection and oral levothyroxine products has not been established caution should be used when switching patients from oral levothyroxine products to levothyroxine sodium for injection as accurate dosing conversion has not been studied levothyroxine sodium is an l thyroxine product levothyroxine t 4 1 important limitations of use the relative bioavailability of this drug has not been established use caution when converting patients from oral to intravenous levothyroxine 1"; bl:association_type bl:ChemicalToDiseaseOrPhenotypicFeatureAssociation; bl:provided_by ; bl:relation schema:TreatmentIndication . bl:category bl:Drug . } sub:provenance { sub:assertion prov:wasAttributedTo orcid:0000-0002-1468-3557 . } sub:pubinfo { sub:sig npx:hasAlgorithm "RSA"; npx:hasPublicKey "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCODwZkXojpEKwk7Ldj2oPPfCstvqrcpgCaTLo235K7ht9C7E1GCkLvUuL2b4VWXJTcZx/hxgDauR8hUeYq/lS6tfTL9yFZsnfl+PWYDyz7vv6N+wJVx2LL8bO6ntCjcOzvW2t2WUeF12Sb6b3I6uOYP0N8iQKts1WasY/yEYKAHQIDAQAB"; npx:hasSignature "BJQDb1kpfEit/DjdGtyzFBHgUwuYZMfANlsdMcMXOtQ6GSm2U4ZNG15ni1QWLy0Sc8pLDvWqhhsbDE09cCesjYhsL/gD78rTInvBACpS/rNWtULn/zCJ1RnZQ4fCIbaWnScqq0UXyxJEicIYPAYLyQ9bmeNftyow0hMky809suA="; npx:hasSignatureTarget this: . this: dc1:created "2021-06-12T16:50:20.448+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime; dc1:creator orcid:0000-0002-1468-3557; nt:wasCreatedFromProvenanceTemplate ; nt:wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate ; nt:wasCreatedFromTemplate . }