. . . . . . . . "The NERC Vocabularies are a standardised lists of terms and taxonomies related to a wide range of concepts which are used to facilitate data markup, interoperability and discovery in the marine and associated earth science domains accessible via the NVS service. Some of these vocabularies are totally managed by BODC, others are managed by BODC on behalf of other organisations, while some are owned and, when relevant, managed by external governance authorities." . "NVS | NERC Vocabularies" . . . . "Barbara Magagna" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCM0tu3I/KK6A/qPha/6pfngQZ4LBQpLnKAcIUuZLnSEb0epJ2IoY3zh/4N42us/6LpCHgZZZtSOTm5/KVo+OTDIqo294PpEZAO70u5DcMcGMC5OufzxGKs3Dwdo6XqPiDHxXuiaKCTO7/ABWAi7CtFoMrqJAHfeyqe82dAiH2IiwIDAQAB" . "Ozty0gd0PLAcZMnOOwB2Q2ekmvnwwps8Fqxu5x1TjLYTdm6SGFbNk8CTaO5DXhmqm+U8PtDPLdsHrYXlnyxdgYEyTJie1aoDvO9+QdZuvG8gjRDXWuxYNURVcfcmH6AIKNL9Vp0OASlU8wC9mObHA00kN7yPXbP3upsS18lJmwk=" . . . "2024-02-20T17:14:00.922Z"^^ . . . . . . . . . . .