@prefix dcterms: . @prefix orcid: . @prefix p-plan: . @prefix this: . @prefix sub: . @prefix schema: . @prefix bpmn: . @prefix np: . @prefix owl: . @prefix npx: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix prov: . sub:Head { this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion; np:hasProvenance sub:provenance; np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubInfo; a np:Nanopublication . } sub:assertion { sub:LinguisticSystem a schema:ComputerLanguage; rdfs:label "python"; rdfs:seeAlso ; owl:versionInfo "3.7.3.final.0" . sub:image a p-plan:Variable; rdfs:comment "None"; rdfs:label "image" . sub:out1 a p-plan:Variable; rdfs:comment "None"; rdfs:label "out1" . sub:step dcterms:description """@is_fairstep(label='Put here a name of your awesome step (include the word awesome so others will find it)') # Give it your own name: def my_awesome_step(image): from PIL import Image # new_image = .... return new_image """; dcterms:language sub:LinguisticSystem; p-plan:hasInputVar sub:image; p-plan:hasOutputVar sub:out1; a bpmn:ScriptTask, p-plan:Step; rdfs:label "Put here a name of your awesome step (include the word awesome so others will find it)" . } sub:provenance { sub:assertion prov:generatedAtTime "2021-05-19T15:28:27.861003"^^xsd:dateTime . } sub:pubInfo { sub:sig npx:hasAlgorithm "RSA"; npx:hasPublicKey "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQClPE9Vd6GclxX+jny7udyDlneltxTjUNSSoq5xMTm+1Wz9ZkPSPCaQaGVHGKkLcjJ448S6+I/qVUhQCOe3aidBtWDGx8kXhGBZt1OPxKhqdPnW13ZmKJGJ8l11yZBVAcmSrGu91l93ycv4SkLQWWRRKe0zlL0fhIPkAG5GkB6OrQIDAQAB"; npx:hasSignature "lDmLYrx6M313ZJlLgTzhYdCnNia3aU1UQaO8A7cd16/it5EuKa0yjl6M3NQB2CAASvoaRroF+OxVPyTzkH6/fryxjrz9quRpPaMDBy+fP8sHIEqha48/S14aMsCGShsLkxwqdcmaIA/OFNSzW6weo8KRRBrHXHC5X8aJH1f3d+A="; npx:hasSignatureTarget this: . this: npx:introduces sub:step; prov:generatedAtTime "2021-05-19T15:28:27.861003"^^xsd:dateTime; prov:wasAttributedTo orcid:0000-0000-0000-0000 . }