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  rdf:OBJECT rdfs:label "a significantly shorter , total duration of oxygen supplementation , ( 10 , 45 d , vs , 21 , 61 , d , , P - value=0 , 003 ) and length of stay in the hospital ( 19 76 d , vs 27 , 21 , d , , P - value=0 , 013 ) , However , , extracorporeal membrane , oxygenation and in - hospital mortality rates were not significantly different between groups that received dexamethasone either within 24 hours of hypoxemia ( early , dexamethasone , group ) or 24 hours" .
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  rdf:SUBJECT rdfs:label "( 75 9 % vs 40 0 % , P - value=0 012 ) Further , early dexamethasone group" .
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  rdfs:SENTENCE rdfs:label "(75 9% vs 40 0%, P-value=0 012) Further, early dexamethasone group showed a significantly shorter, total duration of oxygen supplementation, (10, 45 d, vs, 21, 61, d,, P-value=0, 003) and length of stay in the hospital (19 76 d, vs 27, 21, d,, P-value=0, 013), However,, extracorporeal membrane, oxygenation and in-hospital mortality rates were not significantly different between groups that received dexamethasone either within 24 hours of hypoxemia (early, dexamethasone, group) or 24 hours." .
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