. . . . "is written by - connects an agent (left) to a thing the agent created (right)" . "has the text - states a comment (right) about a thing (left)" . . "Relevant keyword for this assertion" . "[\\s\\S]{0,20}" . "Such a nanopublication includes a text that refers to an existing resource, which could be a paper, another document, or any URL, such as stating an agreement or a correction. The reference to the existing paper is based on the Citation Typing Ontology (CiTO)., bibo and CSm ontology." . . "Semantic social posting with CSm v0" . "${relation} ${paper}" . . . . . . "Comments" . . . "DOI if resource is an article" . "[\\s\\S]{0,20}" . . "choose relation" . . . "URL of resource" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "your text (max. 500 characters)" . "[\\s\\S]{0,500}" . . "Shahar Oriel Kagan" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCDBbAQ2ftjOcRyg81w+qvXIOHx0RzUyDw7rY1TLH1wOj5UOWH/dSmImH/t89C/V/OuUC5Z5YfTFa8lbicL3RgYA3+pqiKpowAarwnDhyn/TismWjbaau7jwGrg70CFyA6EC3BtmV7CqRyNrJl08iD0BzoPVpOl8BYVzqogDDyJjwIDAQAB" . "a/JpAm4CJESLxEE0tA1SY+ZFrZacNngkKw5MLQqM5x4WVVK5DE9MeTWnA4qLBe9Lut6rRW4Yn14612nx7xZZ2Yq9eboRmduPPvVp4RRqaX1DDXVinZ8cZz9MdUeOx0hBbhABkz87kLUrVhAMgQ5Mb/U2sgUoGpVWxkVnGJoX2SI=" . . . "2024-02-12T19:03:17.795Z"^^ . . . . . . "Template: Semantic social posting with CSm v0" . . . . . . . . .