. . . . "is based on a re-identification by myself, the species authority for Solmundaegina nematophora Lindsay, 2017, based on the photographs in Figure 2 of a narcomedusa identified in Gasca et al. 2007 as \"Aegina citrea\" that was sampled by the ROV ‘‘Tiburon’’ during Dive 682. Depth is in meters. The animal probably originated in shallower, more northerly waters and was swept southwards while being subducted to deeper depths.\r\n\r\nReference\r\nGasca et al. 2007\r\nhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-006-0478-y" . . . . . "2004-05-28T12:00:00Z" . "+36.695833-122.083667-1098.0" . . . . . . . . "oceanic bathypelagic zone biome - The bathypelagic zone biome comprises the marine water column below approximately 1000 m water depth - the maximum depth to which detectable daylight penetrates in all but the clearest oligotrophic waters - and extends to about 2500 - 2700 m water depth. In the temperate Atlantic, the beginning of the bathypelagic zone biome approximates to the deep oxygen minimum and the base of the permanent thermocline." . "Dhugal Lindsay" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCTc+YXJgN7NEQXQZ3Em/at8tHjrO8ZxmF+EbyHdGeaI/pqb3TSShW3V5cgIHMHO6pXLtRjG9UIISYNkCBgL1NFwdxiiAiNwBQRY2GMVhgpkt+ECznAhMKCNLG1kF1RdWVhRsYO4GdEz/84+Ll69eNul5J0lHCQ2UJwDb9UcniUswIDAQAB" . "elzoXyrThuI6Axb1PAPUYI77hHpy/mlS80CabUZECgb8pt7ft/NOgGmvT0r053GsQ0CbeFZp/qU4hQpJulaKbVVKZt/zQAvC6YNG6O9dEGMayfJ45q7Ic7dlPXCzF7aFeaYEsCo3vRafDX7/8Tm1t4BY+LmELI3Pni2vmsESD1c=" . . . "2025-01-02T03:59:39.290Z"^^ . . . . . . . "Organism of Solmundaegina nematophora Lindsay, 2017 (species) - has habitat - oceanic bathypelagic zone biome" . . . . . . "Solmundaegina nematophora Lindsay, 2017 (species)" .