. . . . "cites" . . "DOI (https://doi.org/10...) or other URL of the citing article" . "Demo for MAC: Such a nanopublication expresses citation relations of a given article based on the CiTO relation types." . . "Declare associations between an article and a digital object" . "Citations for: ${article}" . . "MAC" . . "DOI (https://doi.org/10...) or other URL of the cited digital object" . . . . . "Tobias Kuhn" . "Barbara Magagna" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCM0tu3I/KK6A/qPha/6pfngQZ4LBQpLnKAcIUuZLnSEb0epJ2IoY3zh/4N42us/6LpCHgZZZtSOTm5/KVo+OTDIqo294PpEZAO70u5DcMcGMC5OufzxGKs3Dwdo6XqPiDHxXuiaKCTO7/ABWAi7CtFoMrqJAHfeyqe82dAiH2IiwIDAQAB" . "ZVbmtN3Sxs5k1+qImtjC5zXr+pLd0+i4jyYc+RBMShRyoHXUXTJOi2KwnaC7yTu8adQACe2CxSlZDChiWEYMWSI961wpm7E9F67WWSHL0ghM7v7AojLettjOArD65/xKxHL+kh7dGYz1bqaWNwQYMOa3WwaPCBvGxyLSy6xtGNM=" . . . "2025-01-17T07:32:25.973Z"^^ . . . . . . "Template: Declare associations between an article and a digital object" . . . . . . . . .