. . . . . . . "The key concept in the PHT is to bring algorithms to the data where they happen to be, rather than bringing all data to a central place. The PHT is designed to give controlled access to heterogeneous data sources, while ensuring privacy protection and maximum engagement of individual patients and citizens." . "PHT | Personal Health Train" . . . "Kristina Hettne" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCNRY+XQupJzQf9CyuI3/nPbXPBvBUnmhTPmcRzkndf2UR6pp5q+T+9xpB+7/hEWDr1IG25QxhCP0ZCQfAuXYhKcXboCzuWqw7Xw5bOXk31HYiogezYFVOpophOpoivkO0zXAu5CNTdB7+va3lWHWkHAL4yxcQdEzN0j/0SJrKgkwIDAQAB" . "H4nkJU5MC5CqwkePG34GQBCy36mxzJDFNqi6HXYIWtd2wLaR5WBYKEQP1J/q/AHXy4kXkekmoOLmSN/67YlDl/qjvrlSmeiP9FYapBHIyiT8hZpNMtLHqxv3zTaQeuFTyLxi2M/JQl623hXyUA9aKyDNTCofNtMfjR9/Rx5eaxI=" . . . "2024-12-18T14:32:05.259Z"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . .