. . . . "This query returns the instances assigned to the given class." . . . "Get instances for class" . . "prefix dct: \r\nprefix rdfs: \r\nprefix np: \r\nprefix npa: \r\nprefix npx: \r\nprefix nt: \r\n\r\nselect ?instance ?instanceLabel ?np ?npLabel ?date ?pubkey where {\r\n graph ?g {\r\n ?instance a ?_class_iri .\r\n }\r\n graph npa:graph {\r\n ?np npa:hasValidSignatureForPublicKey ?pubkey .\r\n filter not exists { ?npx npx:invalidates ?np ; npa:hasValidSignatureForPublicKey ?pubkey . }\r\n ?np npa:hasGraph ?g .\r\n ?np np:hasPublicationInfo ?i .\r\n ?np dct:created ?date .\r\n optional { ?np rdfs:label ?npLabel . }\r\n }\r\n optional { graph ?g { ?instance rdfs:label ?instanceLabel1 . } }\r\n optional { graph ?g { ?instance dct:title ?instanceLabel2 . } }\r\n optional { graph ?i { ?instance rdfs:label ?instanceLabel3 . } }\r\n optional { graph ?i { ?instance nt:hasLabelFromApi ?instanceLabel4 . } }\r\n bind(coalesce(?instanceLabel1, ?instanceLabel2, ?instanceLabel3, ?instanceLabel4) as ?instanceLabel)\r\n} limit 1000" . . "Tobias Kuhn" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQD4Wj537OijfOWVtsHMznuXKISqBhtGDQZfdO6pbb4hg9EHMcUFGTLbWaPrP783PHv8HMAAPjvEkHLaOHMIknqhaIa5236lfBO3r+ljVdYBElBcLvROmwG+ZGtmPNZf7lMhI15xf5TfoaSa84AFRd5J2EXekK6PhaFQhRm1IpSYtwIDAQAB" . "IzQlFiR0ke4whR0cTNU40l0rG+5y8og+qVa8QXv1pnXSHBOI0lmh9mNlWRA9esKXFWB5FE8hgs3EZvXT2WDblYnHeYUuP6SnOWBt2OgRPKbFOSJxXzkGT0sWzbbcwA1BEa12BzFNmisUco+15EiKidw53eFHJL3rAmypXh0OtEo=" . . . "2024-11-29T09:00:19.432Z"^^ . . . . . . . . . . .