. . . . . "scholarly submission and reviewing workflow" . . "A class that contains the workflows involved in scholarly submissions and reviewing." . . . . "peer review - evaluation of work by one or more people of similar competence to the producers of the work" . "workflow - defined sequence of activities of an organizational entity, enabled by the systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials, provide services, or process information" . "submission - act of putting forward an item for consideration for approval, consideration, marking etc." . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCKOqs2T28k/MbmArHUMypi5MUoJX6KdkVn6GOXjxhjXDpwW+/O1LXyHoG7ItOw+g03P7UN4+Diq3tQySZ4cjzoY+o4EJ5ducqFCTI7gjhNd3HLGM3icsypOT8zxuPHNSbPI42Fc5lDVr7FzcH5bb70vL+0uBgpfxBI5lXKkfcXTwIDAQAB" . "Odw+qCPR3TpXmZqZj9Iji1Hg3dx9vv808gynMPWsH7RTH9tKYZ8ddr6eQesDjim4uQLW5b5VUpPCoz6U1bV1auyXw8+4TlTttgUivEyTUT5eUsRD6ZrSLrRR3b8WcWkieeyfkvQeEAn5G5McW+42WON7jfzRQVOBtgqen49jDIA=" . . "2024-01-25T17:58:22.050Z"^^ . . . . "Class: scholarly submission and reviewing workflow" . . . . .