. . . . . "application of unified and semantic publication model based on nanopublications" . . "A class that contains the application of a unified and semantic publication model that is based on nanopublications" . . . . . "use - use of a resource to perform a task" . "scientific model - scientific representation aiming to understand, define, quantify, visualize, or simulate the world" . "nanopublication - A small knowledge graph snippet with metadata that is to be treated as an independent (scientific) publication." . "scientific publication - publication that reports original empirical and theoretical work in the sciences" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCKOqs2T28k/MbmArHUMypi5MUoJX6KdkVn6GOXjxhjXDpwW+/O1LXyHoG7ItOw+g03P7UN4+Diq3tQySZ4cjzoY+o4EJ5ducqFCTI7gjhNd3HLGM3icsypOT8zxuPHNSbPI42Fc5lDVr7FzcH5bb70vL+0uBgpfxBI5lXKkfcXTwIDAQAB" . "ENJGBp4iLpo8wsWtBCUuOF9ejpxxQy3HD6V3vf22PdVHAnAn+X+R4e9hFnuuigBnmzbFSxjxZ0MaHBDXHDwRs5kp6BTUCR7pSvwc2J2GYrMP+AqsZtUKuymCt8Q9cGNXYF4s0TSS0sLyO0GGaIcCRYTNIhlsnPOExvSZajcrcuk=" . . "2024-01-25T17:34:02.019Z"^^ . . . . "Class: application of unified and semantic publication model based on nanopublications" . . . . .