. . . . . . "subclass of - this item is a subclass (subset) of that item; all instances of this item are instances of that item; different from P31 (instance of), e.g.: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)" . "bridge - structure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacle" . "tied-arch bridge - type of bridge" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCG8Dn1CKox50UsgIL4A3k2rZKd6g3ZvRWeQLEKk1ISxCWj5MI77ynzB05s3u3WuI29d9vQDqyvojpcRDKyzW+LHiHlJXCPGrwh6msaoclg2fVjVJme9KE/Tpo/wO8FoW2yS/FOWtb7v2mA52f65SGP96YiaxWfKKJCLOK1HjQbCQIDAQAB" . "Pws3wgtjx9SBZZ4I95DPGcR3Ep2UWiZvmK+VqSW9InF3UgIR2pQc/WnoWYVR/dkBD6U4OeiwuNYFDPAWkbElYHz9jRXgLzHKi1dZjt/r0eBJHBTbtAR8ce9C7RqEc/k7kh0mqNBoSY+ktlV+cA3vxMulSXr1fj9+cemNm9mn/Mc=" . . "2023-10-10T09:12:05.154Z"^^ . . . . "tied-arch bridge - subclass of - bridge" . . . . .