sub:provenance {
sub:assertion dcterms:description "[However, the haplotype analysis of CAT in the male group (?2 = 19.874, P = 8.39E-06, OR = 2.314 [95% CI, 1.587-3.374]) and of AAC and CAT in the female group (for AAC, ?2 = 38.561, P = 5.47E-10, OR = 7.104 [95% CI, 3.471-14.540]; for CAT, ?2 = 25.497, P = 4.52E-07, OR = 2.076 [95% CI, 1.556-2.770]) showed they are risk factors for bipolar disorder.]. Sentence from MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine."@en ;
wi:evidence dgn-void:source_evidence_literature ;
sio:SIO_000772 miriam-pubmed:23140658 ;
prov:wasDerivedFrom dgn-void:PSYGENET ;
prov:wasGeneratedBy eco:ECO_0000203 .
dgn-void:PSYGENET pav:importedOn "2017-02-19"^^
xsd:date .
dgn-void:source_evidence_literature a eco:ECO_0000212 ;
rdfs:comment "Gene-disease associations inferred from text-mining the literature."@en ;
rdfs:label "DisGeNET evidence - LITERATURE"@en .