@prefix this: . @prefix sub: . @prefix np: . @prefix dct: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix nt: . @prefix npx: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix orcid: . @prefix prov: . sub:Head { this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion; np:hasProvenance sub:provenance; np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubinfo; a np:Nanopublication . } sub:assertion { sub:assertion dct:description "Such a nanopublication declares that its creator is on the editorial board for a given journal."; a nt:AssertionTemplate; rdfs:label "Declaring to be the editor of a journal"; nt:hasNanopubLabelPattern "Editor of: ${journal}"; nt:hasStatement sub:st1; nt:hasTag "Journals" . sub:journal a nt:UriPlaceholder; rdfs:label "the identifier (URL/URI) of the journal" . sub:st1 rdf:object sub:journal; rdf:predicate ; rdf:subject nt:CREATOR . rdfs:label "am an editor of - connecting a person (left) to a journal (right) for which that person is on the editorial board" . } sub:provenance { sub:assertion prov:wasAttributedTo orcid:0000-0002-1267-0234 . } sub:pubinfo { sub:sig npx:hasAlgorithm "RSA"; npx:hasPublicKey "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCjDGQCS1S+SRnERDuYDXOugdYUP0efEquHJEEHAbU/uLzBVlga89zqrNPCS7fBE6lArBUWEmT8eLKdMapyqvAzI1J3jUWTMhDJF+XFBkUiuiFfNSc4vJJcmi0yujtnuzXsRIG202jyaP4f5ULoskFwaZOSBZJfiE0dsB3D7DTIAQIDAQAB"; npx:hasSignature "kYIxtKscX9To12uPpPSzQfcdkgzqgYuK8+EWv+qjEJFemXIaMYbcR01nMIklqp8jsQBJXOj+LyVdTGxarQY4L7JzMuUykpviLBxbP4jsuCsRfJ0nw+CUxzhQAi4k4zmxcl9Bsj6Ln+xCcipWlhc8RqfZPP9y/XOt99LMLbGq3/E="; npx:hasSignatureTarget this: . this: dct:created "2023-08-16T09:19:55.580Z"^^xsd:dateTime; dct:creator orcid:0000-0002-1267-0234; dct:license ; npx:supersedes ; rdfs:label "Template: Declaring to be the editor of a journal"; nt:wasCreatedFromProvenanceTemplate ; nt:wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate , , ; nt:wasCreatedFromTemplate . }